My Girls

Seth and I are incredibly lucky to have three beautiful girls! Our home is an overflow of - bows, tutus, lip gloss, fairies, princess attire, nail polish, boas, jewelry, headbands and of course LOVE! Little girls and all their accessories rock...what could possibly be more fun? My poor husband is so outnumbered-even our dog is female. Seth is the most amazing father/partner and he adores his family. I consider myself and the girls extremely lucky. There aren't many men like my husband-Best Friend,Father, Spouse and chef:) Oh, I'm pretty fabulous too-haha!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Week Alone with the Gals

Seth went to NJ for business and I home alone for a week with the "The Crazies!"  I was seriously exhausted by the weeks end. The girls NEVER stop, the most energetic babies ever! Speed Crawling this way and that way, surfing every piece of furniture, putting mystery objects into their mouths, climbing stairs, screaming contests, etc. etc. etc!!!  Thank goodness Aubrey was a great help "most of the time." The twins adore playing with their big sis and this provided me time (until she's bored and moves on)  to prepare meals and do housework. I really makes me appreciate how much my hubby helps out! Thank goodness I'm married in this  generation-Domestic Dads ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2-3 days home alone is a breeze, anything more than that exhaustion sets in, there is just so much to do- it's never ending!!! I still count my blessings that I can stay home with my gals there is nothing I'd rather be doing! Although we all need a few hours break once in awhile.
I'm so backed up on posts-This is about a month behind:) A few pics from that week

Aubrey's in her new reading corner
painting her first stained glass "plastic"
Sisterly love! Stella looks nervous in this pic
"Stella, Do you think we should climb up?"
Caroline and her classic faces

Tutu cute Stella (no more pics mama)

Sweet Aubrey face

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Morning Tea

Caroline and Stella absolutely love playing in Aubrey's bedroom. If I take them out, they speed crawl right back in!!! I usually don't mind if they play in there, but if Aubrey takes out her tiny trinket toys I do get concerned. On this particular day, Aubrey had a tea party with her sisters before school. The twins loved manipulating the tea set and sipping on the fabulous tea (water) big sis prepared. I really enjoyed watching the girls play together and Aubrey was a great hostess!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Facts and Trivia about Twins

Photographed by

The biggest shocker and blessing of my life
  Identical (monozygotic) twins/triplets are the result of a single egg splitting after conception. These twins will share 100% of their DNA. They are the same sex. have the same blood types. hair and eye color. hand and footprints and chromosomes, yet have different teeth marks and fingerprints. Environmental influences can determine that characteristics such as height. weight. ears. nose. lips are somewhat different. Some monozygotic multiples are told they are fraternal (dizygotic) - only DNA testing provides conclusive results. 
(mine are for sure identical-one placenta Mo-Di identicals)
-    Monochorionic and diamniotic - These identical  twins share 1 placenta (monochorionic) but develop 2 separate fluid sacs (diamniotic). This is the most common type, accounting for around 75% of identical twin pregnancies and happens if the split occurs between days 3 and 8 after conception. 
  82% of multiples are delivered via c-section, while 5% are delivered vaginally. The rest are delivered both by c-section and vaginally. (I’m that 5%- I was the talk of the Maternity floor and my OBGYN’s office for pushing both those girls out of my "WhoHa"- what a great way to be memorable, right?)
-   about 25% of identical twins are called mirror image twins. For example if one has a mole under her right eye, the other will have it under her left eye.
-   Monozygotic twins must be the same sex because they have the same genetic makeup. There is a one in four billion chance that after the egg splits, one fetus will lose a sex chromosome and this results in a normal XY male and a Turner’s syndrome female (XO). This has happened once this century and so is unlikely to happen again anytime soon.
  The average weight of twins at term is about 5.5 lbs  (Caroline was 6.1 lbs and Stella 6.3lbs)
and the average or recommended weight gain for average sized mothers of twins is between 35-45 lbs.   ( I gained 42lbs at my last weigh in )   Twin pregnancy is considered full term at 36 weeks and 3 days.  (I was 36 wks & 6 days)
  There are3.5 sets of identical twins per 1000 births. You have a 1 in 285 chance of having identical twins. This figure seems to be universal and random.
-   Studies have shown that mothers who gain about 24 pounds by week 24 have reduced  their chances of giving birth either prematurely or to low birth-weight babies. 
-   Women pregnant with twins will have more ultrasounds, tests and prenatal appointments than women pregnant with singletons. ( I had sonograms monthly and at the end weekly)
  Fraternal twins (girls) have twice the chance of giving birth to twins than singletons. 
  22% of Twins are left handed where as in singletons only 10% of them are left handed.
  Heteropaternal Superfecundation is the term used when a woman becomes pregnant from two different man and gives birth to fraternal twins. (naughty naughty ladies!)
-   Gemellology is term use for the scientific study of Twins(Use that in the next game of Scrabble you play and impress people)!
  The highest rate of twinning belongs to the Yoruba Tribe of Nigeria and the lowest rate belongs to China.
-   Quarternary Marriage is the term used when one set of twins marries a second set of twins. In case of identical twins marrying identical twins, genetically speaking their children will be more than cousins, they will be genetic siblings. (pretty wild! Imagine Caroline and Stella marrying identicals)
-   On December 31, 2009 a mother of twins gave birth to one set of identical twin boys at 11:59 and the other one on January 1, 2010 at 12:00 am. (That’s what I wanted, mine were born January 7, 2010)
  Just like married couples, your twins spend so much time together that they may develop particular “code words” that they use to communicate. For instance, if one calls his blanket a “bubby,” the other may soon follow suit. But this tendency, called “idioglossia” or “cryptophasia,” can’t be classified as a separate language. Just like singletons, when twins first start talking, they have trouble pronouncing certain words. As they pick up each other’s habits of saying things, they develop their own “secret code.” But as their speaking skills improve, the “twin language” will disappear.
-   One can also have Half Identical Twins (Polar Body Twinning). These twins occur when the mother's egg splits before fertilization and then each half is then fertilized by a sperm. These twins share 75% of their DNA.
-   Identical twins exhibit almost identical brain wave patterns. (how cool is that) and genetic factors do not have much, if any, affect on the incidence of identical twins. Identical twins do not run in families.
  It's also a myth that fraternal twins skip a generation. 
  There are 7 different types of twins: identical, fraternal, half-identical, mirror image twins, mixed chromosome twins, superfecundation, and superfetation. These other types are very rare
-   56% of all twin births are spontaneous (that's for SURE!)

Other twins in the family:
Riley (left) & Clayton are my cousin Melissa's fraternal twins

Identical Twins Artie and Stewey on my fathers side

trivia resources

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Imagine Four & Stella with her Big Sis

Caroline's "HEHE" face Stella's "Oh My" face

The twins love this mirror in my bathroom! When the girls come crawling into my bathroom, I place the mirror on the floor and they start smiling immediately at their reflection.  Caroline and Stella want to play so badly with those babies in the mirror! Could you imagine if there was four of them?

Many of you know I love slanting mirrors. I always have a cheap door mirror around - if you slant it against a wall you look taller and thinner:) I know it's an illusion-but whatever helps, right?Also, it's a great toy for the kiddos as long as you watch them.

Some cute pics of Stella reading with Aubrey.

Stella trying to get a glimpse of Aubrey's book
Peek A Boo
Stellie loves her sissy
Aubrey looking pretty with her lippie on- a girl who loves playing dress-up!

Aubrey reading to Stellie

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Getting out by 8:45 am

Breakfast Time
Aubrey's activities all begin around 9:00 am, therefore mornings can be a bit chaotic! I'm always worried about being late, so I start my morning pretty early. Having a set schedule for the first kid was a breeze, having the 2nd (or 3rd)  child makes it a bit more challenging.The twins are ready for their nap around 9 since they get up around 6 am. On Tuesday and Thursdays I  stall the twins from napping until we get back from dropping Aubs off at school - the poor kiddos are so exhausted! Monday mornings the twins nap in their stroller at Aubrey's dance class. Mama now needs to work around Miss Aubrey's calendar, luckily on Monday nighs Seth takes Aubrey to soccer practice :) I'm pretty lucky that the girls are flexible!!! I couldn't imagine being one of those mothers who have to be home at a certain minute. It's a plus for  parents and baby to have flexibility in a schedule

 A few pics of what happens before we leave our house at 8:45
Look who we found, Aubrey!
My Lil Rugrats
I think I found something!!!

What can they find on the floor

Caroline, I will show you how OK!
Now you try Caroline

Mom, is it alright?
I can do it Mommy!

Monday, September 20, 2010

My Prima Ballerina

Mondays, Aubrey has her ballet/jazz combo class at LA Performing Arts. Aubs is ALWAYS eager to see her dance instructor, giggle with the gals and to begin class. I love watching her through the window! Parents can be a bit distracting (esp. for 3-4yr. age group), so we force ourselves to run quick errands or sit in the front lobby. Honestly, nothing can stop me from doing my frequent sneaky walk byes - she's just "tutu" cute in class! Sadly, I can't take pictures like I did at her ballet camp-that was picture heaven for a mother!!!I  love seeing Aubrey in her element- makes me happy and extremely proud!  I will capture a few pics in the next couple weeks- that's a promise to myself!

A Few More Tutu Moments:
Tutu Yummy
TuTu Cute Carleigh
Tutu Adorable Bums
Halloween "09"

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Aubrey's 1st Soccer Game

"Green Rockets" 
Aubrey had her first soccer game Saturday morning.  "The Green Rockets" played great!!! I have no idea what the final score was (we scored way more) - laughing and cheering was our priority. This age group (3-4yrs) does not keep an official score anyway. Aubrey did ok- of course I want to say GREAT but this is all new to her. As one of the youngest on the team, I know she will improve as the season continues! She always wanted to participate, she ran in the correct direction and did her best to get to the ball. Sometimes her attention was in the clouds (common for 3yrs) but we were proud of her effort. Aubrey told us she had a great time and that's the most important! We treated Aubs to the "fancy" new McDonald's down the road from us,  and it seemed  many soccer parents had the same idea. Nothing wrong with the occasional chicken nugget!
Go Aubrey!!!!

Time to sit out- what a face!
The cutest lineup

It's a girl thing!  This face was hilarious!
Go Jacob Go Jacob!
Can you blame her? She wanted to kick it perfectly!
Stella clapping for her big sissy
Kids love their orange slices
It was our turn to bring the team snack
Don't even think about it girl! It's my ball!!!
Great Game "Green Rockets"