My Girls

Seth and I are incredibly lucky to have three beautiful girls! Our home is an overflow of - bows, tutus, lip gloss, fairies, princess attire, nail polish, boas, jewelry, headbands and of course LOVE! Little girls and all their accessories rock...what could possibly be more fun? My poor husband is so outnumbered-even our dog is female. Seth is the most amazing father/partner and he adores his family. I consider myself and the girls extremely lucky. There aren't many men like my husband-Best Friend,Father, Spouse and chef:) Oh, I'm pretty fabulous too-haha!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Getting out by 8:45 am

Breakfast Time
Aubrey's activities all begin around 9:00 am, therefore mornings can be a bit chaotic! I'm always worried about being late, so I start my morning pretty early. Having a set schedule for the first kid was a breeze, having the 2nd (or 3rd)  child makes it a bit more challenging.The twins are ready for their nap around 9 since they get up around 6 am. On Tuesday and Thursdays I  stall the twins from napping until we get back from dropping Aubs off at school - the poor kiddos are so exhausted! Monday mornings the twins nap in their stroller at Aubrey's dance class. Mama now needs to work around Miss Aubrey's calendar, luckily on Monday nighs Seth takes Aubrey to soccer practice :) I'm pretty lucky that the girls are flexible!!! I couldn't imagine being one of those mothers who have to be home at a certain minute. It's a plus for  parents and baby to have flexibility in a schedule

 A few pics of what happens before we leave our house at 8:45
Look who we found, Aubrey!
My Lil Rugrats
I think I found something!!!

What can they find on the floor

Caroline, I will show you how OK!
Now you try Caroline

Mom, is it alright?
I can do it Mommy!

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